Brazil is among the countries with the greatest potential for wind energy

Altogether, the Brazilian wind energy matrix has 2500 MW in projects and in 2012 it had the eighth highest growth, with an increase of 1 GW.

Brazil is the 15th largest country in the world for installed wind energy potential and the largest in Latin America. Altogether, the Brazilian wind parks have approximately 2.5 megawatts (MW) in installed projects, and in 2012 had the eighth largest growth, with an increase of 1 gigawatt (GW).

Data sources are from the Global Wind Energy Council report (GWEC, its acronym in English), which was released recently on Monday (11). According to the study, over the past 16 years, the installed capacity of wind power generation worldwide increased from 6.1 GW to 282.4 GW.

This potentially means that in practice, the world can produce the equivalent of 20 Itaipu hydroelectric energy from wind. Also according to the survey, only last year, the matrix of the planet wind grew 19%.

The major world powers

First in the industry is China, which owns one quarter of global wind capacity, with 75,500 MW installed by the end of 2012. The United States is in the second position with 60 megawatts, which corresponds to 21.2% of the world.

With wind power installed capacity of 31,300 MW, the third is from Germany.
The fourth place is occupied by Spain with 22,700 MW, followed by India with 18 400 MW.

Largest wind farm in Brazil

The country’s largest wind farm complex is in the north eastern state of Bahia in the municipalities of Caetité Guanambi and Igaporã, with 14 parks and 184 aero generators.

According to the Brazilian Association of Wind Energy (Wind ABE), just in the last year alone Brazil had 38 new wind energy parks installed, totaling 108 projects.

Source: Fatima Pires – Rank Brazil – Brazilian Records


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