A better deal on Renewable Energy

Form or join a Buyer’s Group

Even with our  low prices, special promotions, generous discounts and the added attraction of receiving credits from your electric supply company, now available in most regions, there’s a way for you to acquire your renewable energy solution even cheaper – by using the power of group buying and form a solar buyers group; or join one set up by EcoPlanet Energy!


More on Renewable Energy buyer groups

Councils, builders, home owner, condominium and neighbourhood associations - our buyers group program is the perfect solution for you too!

By collaborating with friends, neighbours and colleagues within a local area, you can form a renewable energy buyer group that can provide you with increased buying power in order to get better pricing. Through bulk ordering, members of a solar buyers group can install a residential solar photovoltaic system at well below market prices.

Would you like more information about these solution options available and our special buying or group deals?  Get an FREE solar quote, or contact us today on 71 9917 5920 or email our friendly team for expert, obligation-free advice!

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